Terms & Acceptances
This is our page full of legal jargon, all here to help protect you.
By using our services, you automatically agreed to the policies laid out therein. If you do not agree with these policies, please contact our support team before signing your order.
We may refer to us under this name or make a reduction or extension in our formal title (an abbreviation) or operational name in this document to ‘us’, ‘we’, R88 Media, R88 Media Solutions, R88 Media Solutions UK, R88 and The R88Media Group. This is to help aid the ‘ flow’ of this document and offer constancy. The legal body referenced in the content of this document, regardless of the term. They all refer to R88 MEDIA SOLUTIONS LTD.
Please note there may be multiple references to our services & agreements within our terms, on orders or provided. It is important you fully understand and accept all of our terms before proceeding with our services.
Business Advertising Chanel Names Under R88 Media Solutions Ltd
Tuyu Media
Website Designers Hereford
These names are used for advertising, marketing and promotions purposes. All contractual agreements held with R88 Media Solutions Ltd
Terms of Use & Privacy Policy.
This is our page full of legal jargon, here to help protect you.
By using our services, you automatically agree to the policies laid out therein. If your user does not agree with these policies, please contact R88 Media Solutions Limited’s support team on support@r88media.com
Terms of Use.
Our Agreements
For all contracts & agreements signed, accepted or terms accepted electronically, you agree to our terms and conditions below, including our auto-renewal process.
All R88 Media Solutions Limited contracts are annual (unless specifically stated otherwise) They are based on the signed start date or launch date – A 12 month period to the same date a year later. We opt all our customers in for an auto-renewal service to help ease the workload of our merchants. By signing your original contract or accepting terms electronically (email) you have opted in for this service. This also will renew your contracts held as agreed when originally accepting our terms.
Auto-renewal service
If you wish to terminate your agreement prior to the renewal or its ‘start’ you will be required to notify us 90 days prior to the anniversary of your original start date. If you inform us after this time, you agreed to be subject to the full contracted term, in addition to our outline fee’s below to release and cancel services at the point of termination.
If you do not wish to opt-in for our auto-renewal service and be bound another annual renewal cycle. Please contact our support team by email support@r88media.com stating the following reference as the message header: Annual Renewal Opt-Out (Followed with your full business name) followed by your message – This is to ensure this request is actioned swiftly.
R88 Media Solutions Limited take the assumption that if we do not hear from our merchants or they fail to reply to correspondence regarding renewals. We will (i) roll their agreement onto the next year offering the ‘same as last year’ service and (ii) make necessary enhancements we feel will continue/improve your online performance.
We will accept and allow certain cases for terminations of services with us, however, these will need to fall within specific criteria of significant sickness, death & closure of the business which will be agree discretionally. Please note: Each case will be assessed on a case by case matter which may require evidence. Once we have made a decision of how to progress, this will be final.
In addition to any termination fee’s & remaining contract fee’s – We also charge a £99+ VAT administration fee for cancellations of service. This fee will cover the additional work created for our team to begin the closure of your website, SEO patches and additional content. If you wish to move your website away to another provider, please note you will be subject to the above terms.
Flexing our agreements
R88Media reserve the right to make, what we deem minor adjusts to our agreements. These adjustments may include monthly fee’s charges for services, adjusting or removing discounts, service inclusions or exclusions providing they do not change the core service provided (such as the websites looks, structure or functionality)
These terms are accepted and agreed to when progressing any project with us and are fully enforceable. We may communicate these changes in advance or action these without prior notice at our discretion.
Overall Notices
We retain ownership of all materials / softwares used in all projects & add various software to help protect this.
Once works have begun, we do not offer refunds of deposits and services.
We do not compensate for any loss of earning in anyway, regardless of the situation or responsibility.
Our standard notice period is 90 days for cancellations of services outside of their initial contractual agreements.
Our website services are all subject to our auto renew contractual service for annual service updates, which are currently set to £250.00 + VAT [however, annual Renewal fees may change year on year]
Our Hosting fees are contractual (initial twelve month period) & may alter throughout this agreement month by month.
All website fees are to be settled in full, before we begin any work.
From time to time, we may record & retain clients’ data for the use of marketing and investigatory purposes. This includes VoIP numbers, calls made and website lead contact forms.
We do not accept requests to allow theme file, admin or software access. This covers any level of access to plugins, licensed softwares, design, theme files, PhP, Cpanel, WHM or any other access level beyond an agreed, basic level of altering which includes; Text, imagery, shop & products.
Whereby Client access is critical (such as publication sites) our client-side access does not include any level of access past altering the pre-defined and re-designed page textorial sections with images. We do not allow any Structural changes, menus, or footers & do not allow the creation of new pages, posts or any new elements. Should clients require unrestricted, full control of a website & its software,we advise you to consider alternative solution provision with an alternate provider (such as self-build WYSI WYGV services) We may grant access to clients image library, however it will be solely their responsibility to ensure the uploaded images are of a low size, secure and acceptable. If our client side is accessed without authorization (such as a hack) we are not responsible for remedying this inclusively. Whilst we will do our best to help restore a backup of the website, we cannot guarantee the website will function correctly.
Whilst we will always do our best, we cannot guarantee any successful results of any services provided.
We do not provide any breakdown costs of our packages and services (such as website design packages, ELG, SMS & SEO)
Project production Line: All services provided are given a set timeframe form start to finish. Clients response time delays will result in your project being delayed. As each website/media service is individual for our client’s needs – If a project is held up through client delays, we will need a clear 14 working days to notice before recommencing the project. At our busier times of the year, this could extend to 21 working days.
Failure to complete payment on agreed dates or removal of payment methods without advance written notice (minimum 15 days) will be treated as a breach of your contract and will result in a suspension of service and additional administration charges.
We hold complete ownership of and/ all websites, products & services we design & provide & manage.
These terms and conditions can be amended at any time, without prior notice.
Communicating with us
Our official business hours are from Monday to Friday 10:00 – 16:00 (these may change throughout the year) if we provide communication with clients outside these hours it will be offered at the discretion of our team and can be withdrawn at any stage.
Formal Communications with our team must be made via email to either your account manager directly or our support team. we will not accept text messages or phone calls for alterations as valid requests.
All formal communications for offers (such as accepting alterations, complaints or anything else) must be made via email communication. verbal, text or video offers may be disregarded.
If a member of our team provides a direct contact (such as a mobile telephone number) they have done so with discretion and may request future contact to them is this medium be stopped.
If we feel a client is abusing this, we will notify them and insist they contact our support team via email. Multiple failures will be treated as a contract breach under abuse with action being taken.
Video communication
Our team may offer instances whereby we offer video communication to discuss projects. This is a discretionary service offered to help and may be withdrawn at any stage.
Fair Usage Policy & Alterations
Our agreements typically offer inclusive updates (basic) service within the first 12 months.
Fair Usage means our obligation, at your request, to make amendments to your Advertisement /service such as wording changes and graphics adjustments subject always to our right to refuse to make such amendments where the extent or frequency of amendments is deemed by us in our sole discretion to be excessive or may detrimentally affect other customers (for example where it would require disproportionate allocation of resources to complete the amendments as requested by you).
Our updates policy is designed for occasional discretionary textorial updates & some minor image adjustments (providing content is fully supplied). It does not cover requests to add pages, significant website alterations or any SEO work.
We will endeavour to offer basic website updates (such as adding text/ images) all the time you pay to use our services (host your website with us, as a minimum) However, this service is a discretionary supportive measure, not contracted. We may suggest considering a chargeable support agreement. We have the right to withdraw this or any support at any stage, without prior notice.
Abuse to our team
By signing our agreements, you agree to be respectful, polite and fair to our team. We hold the right to deem behaviours as abusive and take necessary action to remedy the situation which may involve the withdrawal of services at short notice with. We have a strict zero-tolerance for abuse to staff. Foul language, threats or continued contacts when requested not, repeated contact over the same questions and applying pressure as agreement breaches.
Call recording – We do not allow or accept our calls to be recorded by clients unless they state it is being recorded in advance at which point we hold the right to terminate the call and request an investigation before the discussion recommences. This is to protect our team and ensure they are not pressured into agreeing or offering something under duress.
Website Access For Clients
If a client needs to edit our created websites themselves (or choses not to take up our support agreements) we may be able to allow this under certain circumstances but only If this requirement is clearly outlined and requested before we quote for a service & is clearly noted/ agreed within your order / acceptance to proceed with us. We wont inclusively allow this level of access after this point as it will impact the cost of our service provided to you.
Should this need arise after our website is complete, we may arrange for discretional access to be granted, though it will be limited access (not allowing access to our licensed softwares) and for textorial/ image alterations only.
We will not allow clients to adjust the design, layout, upload any softwares or adjust the website in any other way other than changing the preset text blocks and images – Any such other attempts to alter the our service will breach your agreed terms with us.
Should we allow client access there will (i) be a charge, (ii) we will not be expected to provide any training without fee (iii) we will waive all responsibility of maintenance on any level (server side included) & you may find your hosting fee is increased.
Website Training
Our agreements typically offer a basic level of website alterations training service for the first few months of a new client or service via a standardised PDF document. We do not offer formal website training however may choose to provide/ supply basic outline materials (such as PDF’s, video guides or other, distance materials) it does not include physical, face to face or video link training sessions, nor the expectation for them. We may refer you to search online for video tutorials. We do our best to help clients make alterations/ learn to use the website platform however we are not expected to provide such training.
Upon inquiring for our services, customers are provided with a discretionary free meeting as the first point of contact by way of introducing ourselves and services this may be via a phone call, video call or face to face and will be decided by our team member at the time. Once we have identified clients needs and progressed to providing services, meetings may be offered at our team discretion to discuss new business only. We do not offer face to face meetings as an on-demand service to discuss accounts or go through services already held. If you would like to arrange an additional meeting, it will be solely at the discretion of your account manager and might incur a meeting room booking fee of £65 plus time spent in meeting from our team*
If you do wish to discuss your services held with us, you can email your account manager to arrange a phone call at a set time. Please note, we only offer (up to) 2 calls to discuss existing media to a limit of twice a year, up to 1 hour. Past this, we have the right to set a charge for time spent in discussion. This is the same via email. We are happy to offer basic outlines of service via email however, this service is discretionary. We may inform you in advance that such communications will carry a charge for time spent.
Non inclusive Support Fee’s
Within our pre-agreed / accepted annual renewal services for clients, we aim to be as inclusive as possible. However, there are times when clients require assistance on their services that aren’t inclusive to the services held such as ‘hosting only’ agreements. All works requested outside of our inclusive services will be charged as follows;
Unskilled minor alterations / investigations £37+VAT P/H
Skilled Minor Alterations £48+VAT P/H
Skilled investigations £78+VAT P/H
Developer Works £98+ VAT P/H
Customer (database, hack investigations and other) £150+VAT P/H.
Our Hosting services, whilst include a wide selection of server side support, do not include any level of updates or investigatory work, alterations or improvements. We advise all customers to consider a monthly support agreement or take/agree/continue our annual renewal service should they wish to have this level of support. Hosting charges apply to any site, database or project (including Wireframes) that requires our server storage.
Billing – All additional support work/ fees will be charged to our customers live payment method with an remittence invoice at the end of that month highlighting the collected charges. *All customer will be made aware of the time spent beforehand.
Should your account not be on our payment collections system (DD) we expect full and complete payment sent on completion of the task or in advance when agreed. (Your account manager will advise) Please note* we do not offer payment terms (such as 30 days) on any of our services. Should due balances not be settled within the agreed timescales, fee’s will be applied according to our late payment terms.
Data Reporting & Discussing Analytics
As highlighted in our Analytics section of this policy, we provide an automated analytical reporting service* which is designed to help our clients digest website & service Analytics data & highlight successes/pitfalls. This system has been carefully designed to help educate our customers and offer insight. When first setting this service up, we show our clients a report which outlines the basic principles of them. Past this initial outline, we do not offer meetings to discuss these reports. If you wish to contact your account manager by email to discuss this, it is at their discretion to offer additional support and are by no way obligated to provide this level of service above this. Discussing analytics can be a lengthy and involving process – We may offer a meeting (phone, video or face to face) however it would be chargeable at our hourly rate plus (if a physical meeting is requested) a booking fee for meeting rooms.
*Analytical reporting services provisions are depending on the package and service level held with us.
You will be made aware if your package includes such reporting.
Support Services & Tickets
Please raise all questions & support enquiries through our email channel by emailing support@r88media.com from your verified email address. We will then create a ticket and respond to your enquiry as soon as we can. Please do not call our office for support needs or alterations of services as we will need a written email confirmation emailed to complete any work (as highlighted in our communication section in these terms)
Service Enhancement & Updates
Our websites are designed to last a year with little need for maintenance past clients requested alterations, theme updates and server-side needs. However, we cannot predict what the future will hold for online media/ websites and may find you would benefit from an upgraded/ improved service during your website term. We will discuss this with you, in-depth if that need ever arises and highlight all options available including if there will be any costs associated.
Phoning Our Offices
Please only phone through to our offices if you wish to discuss new business or you need to speak directly with a member of our team regarding a service. We do not accept calls for support tickets* and will need a written request.
*Some Priority service agreements do allow for phone support. You would be made aware should you have such an agreement. Our office phone hours vary depending on staffing levels and time of year. We may even withdraw our lines from time to time.
Protecting Proprietary Data
All website services produced by us (which include existing site updates, enhancements & remakes) are solely owned by our business making them protected digital materials. We do not allow cloning/ copies, remakes, or collection of data to recreate. Preventing copying of our sites by unauthorized persons both protects our clients and us from losing proprietary data (such as custom theme/adjustments and specific software) If our clients are in receipt of contracted services for hosting, renewals, upkeep, maintenance (etc) Then we would deem the protection of security and integrity of the data as part of that. Breaching this will result in an immediate service halt without prior notice whilst we investigate such a client contract breach & decide the next steps. We will pursue all who infringe on our business terms.
It is important our clients understand clearly the rights behind ownership of our provided services. Client-owned materials are limited to supplied texts and images only.
1 and done orders
Should the rare circumstance arise that a client wishes for us to simply create a website solution within their hosting environment, intended to be maintained and hosted elsewhere (with immediate effect) A client’s order form must explicitly state an order for ‘1 and done’ service which means we are solely creating a solution intended to be moved away. Our team would also co-sign any such orders to confirm such agreement. If this is not initially agreed upon, we do not allow recreation, movement, clones, or remakes of our services elsewhere. We will pursue all who infringe on our business terms.
Third-Party Software
As a business decision, we do not allow third-party access, applications or plugins to be added to our websites unless explicit written consent is noted in your agreement before we progress with services. Software that alter the website information (such as IP linked phone tracking or data packages) tracks browsers visits beyond standard Google Analytics. We abide by strict data privacy rules and will not accept the need for such systems that encroach on customers data rights or ours.
If your website is designed/managed by us/ and or hosted by us. We may insist on terminating your agreements with us by suggesting using another provider to offer this service. However, you will still be bound to any contractual obligations with us should it come to light this was known of in advance.Once your service contract is complete and provided sufficient notice of cancelling services – You are within your rights to have this service added elsewhere. *subject to our migrations policy and other terms & conditions.
Our use of in-house and external approved third-party software for clients services (such as e-commerce)
Please note that these software (such as booking systems, shop modules, payment terminals and any other software) outside our initial website build (which is limited to our basic theme) will carry their own licensing fee’s which are not included within our project prices, whilst we do offer advice and recommendations on these, we are not expected to commit inclusive support, integration or pricing. We offer a discretionary facility for clients whereby we may pay these fee’s and collect due sums (including an administration fee) directly off clients, this offer can be revoked at any stage should we feel it necessary. Please be aware that some licensed softwares carry their own respective cancellation terms in addition to our cancellations policy.
Support Agreements
Our website support agreements cover a range of services (website updates, emergency support, mailshot etc) that are either time based for individual hours spent which will be agreed prior to commencing or by assumptive needs & packaged to offer a discounted price. This service does not offer a ‘time spent’/ service rollover, meaning if you don’t utilise our support in that specific month, you will still be expected to pay for it with a reset on spent time the next. We have the right to adjust this agreement should we feel the level of support required does not match the discussed need, we may also increase the price of this service at any stage should our prices change or we feel the need to. We will discuss this in advance with you should this happen. We withhold the right to adjust prices, inclusions and if necessary terminate this support (or any-other) agreement without prior notice.
Payments On Agreements
By signing your order form, you agree to our terms and conditions on this page, above and below along with our infringement policy, privacy policy and any other documentation on our services.
R88 Media Solutions Limited offers an advanced monthly agreed payment & direct debit service only for services which is subject to set up and monthly fee’s unless specifically highlighted as to not.
All services purchased with us are subject to 2 payment methods *subject to acceptance.
Full payment upfront prior to work being carried out by electronic payment.
Monthly Direct Debit service. This payment is subject to (i) a 50% deposit for any works carried out in advance, followed by monthly payments over a set and agreed on term which will be highlighted on your agreement* Currently, this is set to 4 monthly repayments and is referred to as a payment plan. Please view our payment plan notice below.
*All of our payment plans carry a monthly or total owed balance service fee of (currently set to) 8% this fee may be waived in certain circumstances for new customer orders and is discretionary. We will discuss this when initially setting up any service with us. We may offer a varied payment plan extending past our standard business terms (example multiple services) – If we accept such an agreement, we would conduct various creditworthiness checks for extended creditworthiness. This service may carry additional charges in addition to our standard business terms above. This applies to all services & Media Packages (excluding website hosting & Monthly basic subscription services, excluding our SMS & ELG service)
Direct Debits
We will send you a link to follow and will require you to create a direct debit agreement via our third-party payment platform to collect the agreed sum over an agreed time frame – This is currently Gocardless. We may also collect this information in an agreed DDA form or via the telephone in compliance with our payment collection providers.
Please note*
If a direct debit payment is missed, for any service. You agree for us to recollect this sum through our automatic recharge system. You will also be charged a missed payment administration fee of £30.00+ VAT for each missed payment – Unless previously authorised.
Failure to notify us of a potential payment failure will be treated as a contract breach. We will halt all services and accesses immediately until (i) payments are cleared (ii) a live payment plan is reset. For repeat failures, we may choose to permanently withdraw our services without notice.
We may withdraw our monthly payment plans for repeated issues and request for all future payments to be settled in advance.
R88 Media Solutions Limited will continue to call for the owed sum unless contacted with alternative payment means.
Direct Debit Cancellations
If a direct debit is cancelled without 30 days notice and alternative payment isn’t placed in advance. You will be subject to an administration fee of £30+ VAT per direct debit cancellation on each service held. If this occurs, we allow a short period of 2 business days to correct this* and may take all services offline immediately until settled. You will also be subject to missed payment charges in addition to this. Please note, we ask our customers to contact at least 15 days in advance if you are likely to experience payment. Failing to do so may become costly. Please note that once we apply these fees, they will not be waived.
*If we believe a direct debit is terminated intentionally and without prior notice. We hold the right to immediately withdraw all services and accesses until such a time as the due payment is settled and (if required) an active DDA is set back up. You may also find that we withdraw our discretional monthly payment service & expect all invoices to be settled in advance before continuing services.
We treat cancellations of agreement payment plans / missed direct debit payments as a service contract breach. We may choose to withdraw all services immediately, regardless of time spent live with no reimbursement for the time left of that service.
We reserve the right to collect owed balances via a third-party collections agency if we cannot re-establish and collect due sums within our timescales.
Balance Arrears
If for any reason your payments fall in arrears (but are still alive) without advance notice or granted permissions from our team (via our formal communication process) our service will suspend if payments fall in arrears of more than 5 days.
Should arrears not be paid in full in a further 5 days, additional fees and administration charges will be incurred and all services held in addition to our miss payment fee’s. Until these are settled, all services with us will be halted, regardless of time in agreement. Please note* You will be legally bound to pay for your contracted services in full, regardless of time live.
If your account does fall in arrears, we reserve the right to implement, without prior notice or consultation, any price increases that we feel are necessary and in some circumstances withdraw our payment plans. Repeated failures of paying or late paying of invoices will result in permanent withdrawal of our services with the expectation of all contractual amounts due (including notice periods and administration fees) to be settled. You will be notified of this if we choose to progress down this path with your agreements.
Investigations / Disputes / Complaints
In the unlikely event of our customers complaining. We will investigate all issues raised and conclude with a resolution. Our customers/ merchants will be expected to continue to pay for all services until our investigation is finished as not doing so will incur missed payment administration charges and may breach their contract outlined in the missed payments section above.
We will inform our customers of our investigation findings and will work to move forward. Once we have concluded research/investigations, our verdict is final. If a customer is not happy with our resolution, there may be the discretionary opportunity provided. to terminate certain services (subject to respective notice periods) – Customers will still be expected to continue to pay the contracted balances owed until our resolution outcome is provided.
Complaints, Investigations and Disputes can only be raised for live clients or clients within their notice period. Not retrospectively once services have been withdrawn.
Should a client wish to end services with us and do not raise a complaint/dispute or concern during their services period or notice period. They will not be entitled to retrospectively raise any such complaint/dispute once services have been withdrawn/terminated. This includes requests and breakdowns of historical services, prices and/or raise any refunds against service rendered.
If an exited client wishes to discuss services held after leaving, we may offer a discretionary advice service (for example a new provider) but are under no obligation to provide details of old services held. This policy covers all services delivered by our business.
R88 Media Solutions Limited reserve the right to collect owed balances via a third-party collections agency if we cannot re-establish a relationship & payment plan. *You will be subject to additional fees once this process begins*
If any payment is declined, referred or contested outside our disputes policy above.
R88 Media will (i) will hold the right to enforce this money be collected via a third-party collections agency or DCA’s with little notice (ii) inform relevant bodies (such as Nominet) that services fulfilled have been refused payment. Your domain name and any online reference will be blocked until full payment is collected/ we are satisfied to release.*additional administration fees will apply*
*We (R88 Media Solutions Limited) hold all legal rights to your online branding, domain name & all other material until we have been paid in full for all services *Subject to our Domain Ownership terms.
Much as our Direct debit and payment plans section above. If a client stops paying for their adverting without sufficient notice provided (30 days, some cases 15 days) once we are made aware of this we will immediately withdraw all services, including websites, email and any advertising until all due invoices are settled in advance.
During disputes or cancellations, if a client does choose to cancel their payment agreements we will not only treat this as a contract breach but also withdraw the offer for future payment plans.
Clients who payments are cancelled or fail during this will also be charged administrative fees along with a charge of £30+ VAT per cancelled DD which will need settling before we consider continuing any services as per our direct debits and payments section.
Videography Media including Image collection, Motion and Animation
(These terms refer to our services typically within our website design packages, not bespoke Media orders)
Please note, if your package order does not specify these inclusions, you will not eligible for the include services, however, these can be arranged at additional costs.
*Media is defined as images, footage, motion or animations.
Limitations of collected media for the purpose of website imagery – Excluding product images (which we do not provide unless explicitly outlined in our agreements)
Still Images: 20 *Should more images be required additional fees will apply*
Video Media: (including all collection mediums) no more than 2 minutes of combined footage once edited.
Limitations of media collection:
Photoshoots – We allow up to 30 minutes per shoot, per 20 images per client order. Additional time can be booked with additional fees.
Video – We allow up to 30 minutes of footage collection per client order. Additional time can be booked with additional fees.
Editing & Production – We allow up to 1 hour of production/editing combined for images & footage. Additional time can be booked with additional fees.
Our video & image services are produced using our cameras, drones and other equipment of such use.
Media Usage
We collect Media such as this for our client’s websites held with us – To highlight a specific service or area of their business.
Service Exclusions
We do not offer *unless explicitly mentioned* a full video collection and production service with amendments as part of our services.
When producing videos for clients, we will ask for a set goal/outline/purpose for the media to highlight (such as services). We will then use this outline to collect and compile the necessary media.
Once we have this goal/outline/purpose, along with the media, our team will complete the order to the specifications set out above.
Service Inclusions
Once completed, we will offer clients a basic edit service whereby they can trim, animate or edit specific clips once.
Completed Projects
We will finish all media to our best understanding of the service needs outlined in our project brief. If clients wish to have amendments past basic edits, we reserve the absolute right (i) decline the request completely (ii) agree but inform of the additional charges it will incur (iii) At an additional cost – Provide the clients with raw footage to edit themselves.
We complete our media services to our standards, not to clients expectations. This means once we deem a project finished, if a client wishes to edit or change it in any way, they will be subject to additional fee’s.
Our team will only collect media in a safe environment for both us and our equipment. If we feel it either inappropriate or unsafe to collect certain media, we will decline & the client will be asked to supply said media themselves. This is non-negotiable.
Typically, we will include travel to clients offices into our prices, however, if a client requests multiple locations, over distances. We may set out a cost for travel arrangement in addition to the above terms.
We hold sole ownership (Copyright) of all produced media, however, whilst a client is using our services, we will allow usage.
By using this service, you understand the potential limitations and accept all of our terms and conditions.
Accounts Agreements
New accounts – New build project/ New customer accounts.
Once any work has started on your service with us, i.e website building, payment to third parties or management of third-party services with R88 Media Solutions Limited, there will be no refunds of monies paid or money owed on this contract. You will be legally bound to pay in full the total contract price, regardless if you wish to terminate before the completion of your account services i.e website creation, social media services, third parties and (if not elected out of) auto-renewal services.
If you wish to terminate your contract with us prior to its completion date, you will be charged the full amount stated in your contract total, you will be liable for the total signed term, regardless of times spent in the contract.
Existing Customer Accounts
To cancel/ terminate your existing service (i) After the initial build & creation costs have been paid with R88 Media Solutions Limited (ii) You must give at least a 90-day notice in writing (via a verified email account) (iii) You are within the notice period to cancel auto-renewals (if opted in for) (iv) Your account is not in arrears.
Please Note: We do not issue refunds for any work already carried out, i.e. website creations or third media services.
By signing your order form in person, digitally or accepting terms to proceed via email, you agree to our terms and conditions on any website project. All contracts signed or terms accepted electronically on your premises are not bound by the UK distance selling regulations.
*Image usage – If you wish to use the images we have taken as part of your project, regardless of source, you must gain explicit written consent to do so. We have the right to begin legal proceedings against unauthorised image use. This includes the use of stock images purchased on behalf of your website project due to licensing.
Please note all copy, content, imagery & all digital media remains our property until we are satisfied that services are paid for.
Hosting Services & Conditions
Our Website Hosting service is designed to offer our clients convenience. Our Hosting is simply defined by our business providing a temporary space on a/our servers in which may house a website database & link to the public domain. All software we use to hold such website (such as Cpanel) are licensed property to us. If you decide to move website hosting to another provider it is solely your responsibility to ensure the setup is correct. Most host providers will offer assistance on this matter.
Domain & Website Hosting
We offer 12-month hosting contracts which will roll over on their contractual anniversary into quarterly agreements. By signing your order form or accepting terms to proceed via email, you agree to be bound by this 12 month period with a further 90 days notice prior to termination once the initial term has expired.
Our hosting charges & service inclusions may be subject to change in price without notice or time in agreement to ensure we deliver the same level of service to our clients. These charge increases are in line with our charging from our hosting providers and internal factors. We will inform our merchants of this in advance in 30 days.
Domain Name Ownership & Rights
R88Media hold complete and indisputable ownership of all domain purchased by ourselves for the use of clients services, which we lease to clients during their time with our business. Clients hold no rights to these domains should they wish to leave our services. We may choose to offer the sale of this domain to a value we deem fair (based on many factors such as importance, ranking and potential value) but are not expected to offer this as a guarantee. We may choose to offer this to other clients or hold the domain in our account for a time or cancel it, the decision of which will be ours.
If a client brings a domain to our services, we may either have them renew it or we will change ownership and renew it under our leasing terms as above. Should a client use our renewal service, the domain is converted to our lease service whereby they lose ownership rights to such domain and it becomes our property. This means we will take control of renewals and factors for maintenance & will invoice clients our leasing fee (which will vary depending on domain type, name and location)
We will not contact clients about renewal & presume they are happy to do so in accordance with our services noted here. If a client does not agree to this service, they need to contact us in writing in advance of the renewal by at least 90 days (emailing support@r88media.com – subject line DO NOT RENEW MY DOMAIN followed by their business name) otherwise we will automatically collect this domain to our lease service, taking ownership & maintaining it.
Alternatively, clients have the external option to manage and renew their domain names themselves, elsewhere. Should clients choose to do this, they accept that we forgo any & all responsibility for any domain-related issues, hosting speed, reliability, security and any responsibility other than the direct service provided (eg, the website) regardless of the reason.
It is important to understand that should we have taken control of domain ownership, we will not release this back to a client regardless of them changing their mind. There is no cooling-off period. It is important to decide the benefits vs limitations before relinquishing your domain to us & is always the responsibility of the business owner (CLIENT) to be informed and understand this service, its inclusions and automatic renewal transferring it to our ownership.
By using our services in any way, you agree to accept and agree to be bound by these terms.
Email services through R88 Media Solutions Limited.
We offer our customers the opportunity to bring their businesses email names to us by way of internal WEBMAIL or EXCHANGE mailboxes.
WEBMAIL – To proceed with our webmail service we would need evidence of (i) mailbox size as to not exceed our service limits per mailbox currently set at 200Mb’s each (ii) Are not expected to provide managed set up for this service of devices outside of our online webmail portal (Support for this can be provided, however it is a chargeable service) If you wish to move your mailbox away from our services, note that we are unable to support the migration of mailboxes to another provider and will not allow third-parties to access our servers via FTP or any other mediums. Migration away can only be completed by manually downloading your mailbox to your PC/ device and re-uploading these elsewhere which will be required to be completed by you.This email service is not classed as a business grade solution.
We do not accept responsibility for possible lost emails or contacts when transferring services to us. We advise all customers to back their mailboxes up before allowing access to migrate them
EXCHANGE – This is a paid-for service* with agreed setup and limitations (above) much the same as our webmail solution, however, you will also be in contact with Microsoft for monthly charges and will be bound by their terms of service (such as usage & spamming)
We can provide email services for our customers, however, we take no legal or formal responsibility for these accounts in any way. If your email account is hacked please contact our support team who will look to help manage/fix/ and or resolve the issue (please note this is a chargeable service) If we find you have been using your email account form crime or any inappropriate circumstances, we will immediately terminate your account and pass information on to relevant authoritative bodies.
Domain Names & Domain Transfers
R88 Media Solutions Limited, offer our customers the opportunity to bring their businesses domain names to us via IPSTAG transfers, pointing or DNS. Whilst we work with our customers closely we cannot always guarantee the transfer of your domain name is going to be successful (this includes delays)
Whilst we work with our customers closely we cannot always guarantee the transfer of your domain name is going to be successful (this includes a delay) and may impact on your websites email facilities. R88 Media Solutions Limited takes no responsibility if we cannot transfer your email name to us. Where possible, we will provide a new domain name to use on a temporary/ permanent basis.
Domain names provided by R88 Media Solutions Limited will be legally owned by R88 Media Solutions Limited which can be transferred to customers when (i) all due invoices are settled (ii) the account is clear of arrears (iii) the domain is purchased from us by the customer. R88 Media Solutions Limited offer voluntary support & management in transferring a domain name. This service can be withdrawn should be encounter significant issues, we will inform our merchants of this in advance.
We can provide external email services via our third-party companies, however, this will include a cost. R88 Media Solutions Limited take no legal or formal responsibility for these accounts.
Change of business owner/ directorship and/or other.
By signing your order form or accepting terms to proceed via email you (i) agree your brand be linked with R88 Media Solutions Limited for the minimum contracted time. Any outstanding orders you hold will be part of the company ‘sale’ and will be sold to the new owners as outstanding liabilities.
R88 Media Solutions Limited is not responsible for ensuring this is discussed at point of business sale – (ii) you/ your brand will be subject to Nominet, Google and all third party media’s terms and conditions. By signing your order form or accepting terms to proceed via email, will bind your brand name to complete full payment of any outstanding balance.
Domains – Existing/ Established Domain names
Once your website is live, any actions to domain name (i) domain movement defined by transferring or replacing your website will be breaching your contract with us, unless specified & agreed prior to movement. If circumstances arose that a domain name was moved without consent, R88 Media Solutions Limited will contact NOMINET (UK domains) and will raise a domain ownership challenge due to your agreement with us. We will pass all costs involved to you/your business and will also incur an administration cost to rectify the outstanding issue.
R88 Media Solutions Limited does not take automatic ownership of our merchants existing domain names, we require these to be transferred or DNS changed to our servers for your businesses website service to go live and will thus be included in your agreement held with us.
You/ Your business will agree/ agreed to allow R88 Media Solutions Limited to have legal authority over your domain name until your contract is (i) fully paid for the agreed contract length, minimum 12-month agreement. (ii) Terminated & released with our sanction.
By agreeing to our services, you accept these terms and conditions.
Domains – New Domain names
R88 Media Solutions Limited offers a complete domain purchase, management and hosting service for all merchants.* fee applies.
We will purchase this domain on your behalf, placing ownership to you/your business. You/your business agree that until your contract has ended with our services, we have the authority to manage this domain to satisfy our needs as well as your businesses.
Once your website is live, any actions to domain name (i) domain movement defined by transferring or replacing your website will be breaching your contract with us, unless specified & agreed prior to movement. If circumstances arose that a domain name was moved without consent, R88 Media Solutions Limited will contact NOMINET (UK domains) and will raise a domain ownership challenge due to your agreement with R88 Media Solutions Limited. We will pass all costs involved to you/your business and will also incur and administration cost to rectify the outstanding issue.
You/Your business will agree/ agreed to allow R88 Media Solutions Limited to have legal authority over your domain name until your contract is (i) fully paid for the agreed contract length, minimum 12-month agreement. (ii) Terminated & released with our sanction.
By agreeing to our services, you accept these terms and conditions.
Domain Names – INBOUND transfers.
We take no responsibility if we cannot transfer your domain name to your new website.
Where possible, we will provide a new domain name to use on a temporary/ permanent basis. Domain names provided by R88 Media Solutions Limited will be legally owned by R88 Media Solutions Limited. R88 Media Solutions Limited will not compensate for the loss of earnings, delays or issues involved in transferring a domain name to our servers.
We offer voluntary management as a supporting measure in transferring a domain name. This service can be withdrawn should be encounter significant issues, we will inform our merchants of this in advance.
Domain Names – OUTBOUND transfers
R88 Media Solutions Limited offer our customers the opportunity to take their businesses domain names away providing there is not due balances of contracted services due. We will release the domain for the new provider to collect and re-setup. We take no responsibility for this process. R88 Media Solutions Limited will not compensate for the loss of earnings, delays or issues involved with this process in any way.
Domain Names – Non-payment of account
By signing your order form or accepting terms to proceed via email, you agree to our terms and conditions below.
R88 Media Solutions Limited hold legal right over your business domain, regardless of true ownership until we have satisfied our accounts and billing. We will then release this domain for a third party to collect. By progressing with our services you accept these terms.
Any domains purchased by R88 Media Solutions Limited will remain our property unless formally stated or purchased off us.
If any outstanding invoices are over 5 days*, we will automatically suspend all services and notify you of this. Services will resume when your account is then settled, please note this will include WEBMAIL accesses.
*If payment is refused direct debits terminated intentionally and without prior notice, we hold the right to immediately withdraw all services and accesses until such a time as the due payment is settled and (if required) an active DDA is set back up.
We treat cancellations of agreement payment plans as a service contract breach and if proven intentional, we may choose to withdraw all services regardless of time spent live with no reimbursement for the time left of that service.
We do reserve the right to collect owed balances via a third-party collections agency if R88 Media Solutions Limited cannot re-establish and collect due sums within our timescales.
Website Ownership, Migrations & Copyright
It is of the highest importance our customers fully understand this policy (and all of our terms) before proceeding with any of our services.
We understand that circumstances change – Do you plan to self-host or migrate your services with us to another provider.
This section highlights our migration services and how to correctly proceed with this.
- Please email our support team with your notice to exit (support@r88media.com) from your registered business email held with us, along with your account number. We will respond with the next steps.
2. You will need to settle any outstanding balances due on your account (if moving within an agreement, this will need to be settled in full prior to acceptance)
3. We will contact you within 7 days of the request to first verify the validity of the request (Software Hijack protection) and then provide you with the required source material along with any guides we may offer to assist with setting up elsewhere.
4. We will require evidence/verification of new licenses taken and services along with access to view a ‘pre-live’ version as noted below before closing the migration case of any service.
Website Migrations
We offer our clients the right to migrate the content of their websites and basic CMS to another provider, however, this does not include any content created by us, any images we have supplied/used (licensing rights) and any software used within our services/websites (such as website themes, templates, plugins, bespoke CSS and tracking systems) *Any content and imagery that is supplied to us directly by our clients is owned by our clients and will not require any permissions.
In circumstances whereby clients look to terminate some/ all services with us and intend on moving services/ websites to other providers. We will supply them with a catalogued document of content, page designs and software references which will outline themes (if third-party), plugins and stock image reference numbers (along with platforms) for them to take action and purchase their own licence keys to legally use such materials. Any attempts to clone or migrate our work will be seen as Copyright infringement, plagiarism and software hijacking which will be met with immediate legal action.
The Move Maker Service
R88 Media do offer our clients a managed migration service.
This service will have our team provide you with the information needed to create your own account with your new provider/ CMS database. along with the relevant software information for you to purchase licences in your own name. Once these are purchased, our team will help to migrate the service/website onto your new platform and ensure that the website is up and running without issue. We also check that references to our licenses are removed. This service is set at a £99 + VAT fee.
Self Managed Migration
If you plan on migrating your website away to another provider yourself or by requesting a third party to do so. You must email our support team with a formal notification request at least 30 days in advance (providing your contract with us is not in force). You will also need to follow steps 1-4 as above. This process is put in place to ensure (i) Our data and licences are protected (ii) Allow time for accounts to be settled (iii) Allow our team to remove any software and licences linking to our services.
We typically do not provide clients access their raw data (CMS, DB, Cpanels or install files) unless specifically requested. Advanced users can have this access, however, permissions are granted only by explicit acceptance to this policy.
Before our team can accept any agreement on account closures/website migrations we will need to satisfy the following (i) Licence evidence- If you intend to move an existing website or service with us and launch the same or similar to another provider / use the same platform, theme and plugins as designed by our team, we will need clear evidence of any such licences you will need. Failure to provide this evidence will result in our team making efforts to ensure our data is protected along with notifying relevant parties of any software held without legal ownership to do so. (ii) Visuals – We will expect to view the pre-live version of this service/ website before it is set live to ensure it is not using images/ copy that is not owned or licensed by us.
Any attempt at accessing Cpanels or DB files without consent will be in breach of this policy and will carry financial and legal ramifications.
By using our services in any way, you agree to accept and agree to be bound by these terms. If we find/are made aware of an unauthorised migration by any means we will see this as a direct violation of this policy and will take action which will include (i) Financial costs to the client, covering time spent investigating. (ii) A £1,000 charge for breaching this agreement. (iii) Halting or withdrawing of any services still held with us (including domain names and emails). (iv) We will also pursue legal action against Copyright infringement, plagiarism and software hijacking and will inform relevant parties of potential unlawful use of the software. *Copyright infringement, plagiarism and software hijacking is treated as a serious crime and may result in clients and their respective business being individually pursued.
Other Service Migrations
Much like our website migration policy – Other services (such as Webmasters, GeoTracking, Tracking Graphs, Google Ads, Analytics, Graphics, Images) will require our clients to follow the three-step process as above. Our team will then instruct you as to how best migrate these services, along with providing references for licensing. We can offer either a managed migration service for you (at a small fee) or provide you with all the necessary information to self migrate as noted at the beginning of this policy.
Our business is here to help support our clients in any lawful way. Taking software without licensing will not be accepted under any circumstances. Please follow this policy process correctly and as described.
Database Migrations
When looking to migrate existing databases over to your services with us. We factor in a set time for our team to dig, pull and re-upload your existing database with us. Whilst we have accounted for many issues it is impossible to guarantee a complete and successful migration within the agreed costs and timescales.
In the unlikely event of our team encountering significant issues or limitations above what is expected during these processes. We could find the need a request additional time spent by our team, which may incur an additional cost which will be invoiced at our hourly rate* We will discuss any fee’s such as this before continuing.
It is also important to recognise that in rare circumstances, we may be unable to import a database at all. We rely on our clients providing accurate information at the point of agreement. If we find the database migration information provided is inaccurate or that the database is tied, faulty or generally non-transferable. You will be still expected to settle our costs for time spent, regardless of any progression of services with us beyond that point. Depending on the services held, you will still be tied to honour any and all other agreements unless specifically highlighted otherwise in your agreement. Please note that whilst this is incredibly rare, it is important to understand this before accepting our terms.
*Hourly rate will be calculated on our rate at the time.
We may provide a VoIP phone number service for the purpose of lead generation. This is in compliance to all relevant data storage requirements within the UK through our providers. From time to time, we may record & retain clients’ data for the use of marketing and investigatory purposes. This includes VoIP numbers & calls made.
Software Licensing (Websites)
When our team quotes for services, we do not include licensing for third party software under any circumstances. When building a new website, we will likely include the initial or first-year charge within the build cost for the first year. Please note that we will not pay for any listing, even if included with your initial agreement past your contract first-year anniversary.
In many instances, we do include theme licences (if they are owned by us) – Plugins, Migration tools, shopping modules, themes payment gateway linking costs are all costs that we will pass to our clients. You are by no means obligated to pay these, however, we would not be expected to remedy any such issues it may present to your services because of these, in contract term or otherwise.
Software Licensing (Analytical & Other)
Much the same as our Software Licensing for website services. We do not provide any ongoing costs licences for any services unless explicitly agreed. There is one exception to this – You are in a live contract specifically for Analytical software with us (SERPS, SERANKING & Reverse Proxy) as you will be paying for this access in your monthly subscription to us.
Typically we include some Analytical services free within your initial package. Please note that once you have finished your first year with us, we may contact you with the notification of intention to charge or cancel Analytical / tracking services as above. If our team does contact you, we will offer you clear, advanced notice (of 30 days) the choice to continue or cancel this service. If you do not respond, we will assume it is a service you still wish to continue with and thus enter into a like for like chargeable reporting agreement*
*Agreement costs are subject to services held already and will be invoiced as if they are an accepted order (such as our above services outlined).
We provide a range of Advertising services;
Paid Advertising Services. We may refer to Paid Media Services under the below names – All of these refer to our SMS (Search Market Service)
Search Market Service (SMS)
ELG (Part of the service)
R88 Media PPC Service
Sponsored Prominence Service
R88Media SMS Service
Google Paid Advertising
Bing Paid Advertising
Paid Advertising
Service title names such as Google Ads PPC, Google Ads, Bing Ads, and other such providers.
Our R88Media SMS service is a complete, professional service provided by our business to yours, whereby we set up a hassle-free, expert solution to increase prominence for your businesses website through search engine providers paid platforms combined with our professional services (These include but are not limited to Google Adwords, Google Display, Programmatic, Yahoo, BING & All Social Media Advertising mediums) in the hope to attract valuable leads who may be interested in purchasing/ using your business services. We tailor each client’s service to focus on website visits, hits, sales, downloads, calls, physical shop visits, contacts or other mediums.
Our Search Market Service is designed around search engines Pay Per Click models which will offer businesses enhanced prominence of their website in search results under specific keywords within specific locations. This service provides prominence on existing paid adverts platforms such as Google Adwords, Bing Paid Search and other Paid Prominence Platforms – Our SMS Service utilises paid services platforms (such as Google Adwords, BING Paid Ads & Yahoo Paid Ads) along with our professional services. This is not the same service as a client setting an account up with each provider directly. Any accounts we may create are our property & do not provide any level of access to clients’ accounts held internally with our providers regardless if they cease services. If a client terminates a service with us, we will permanently close any related, respective accounts. Please note | The monthly budget cost you pay us in this agreement does not relate or reflect to actual spends used online for your campaign for advertising, but covers the whole cost to your business for this service provided by us, which includes our monthly professional services costs, service fees and costs associated in providing this service (such as qualified time spent, research or any other fees we have) The online spend for your business may vary throughout the month & service agreement depending on campaign success and internal factors which we do not disclose. Our charges in providing our Search Market Service does not have a specified percentage amount or charge limit, though it can range from 30% to 70% of clients agreement costs to us depending on internal factors (such as professional time spent initially and throughout the agreement, industry competition, location etc) We reserve the right to change or adjust our costs in providing this service to clients without providing notice to clients, regardless of time in agreement.
We do not hold monies on Trust for clients to our providers (such as Google) as you are paying us for a service provided, not our suppliers. We are not expected to provide any internal breakdowns of costings other than the overall agreed, signed contract value accepted for our services. This service provided will not be actively managed, which means we are under no obligation to provide regular, set assessments, alterations or provide clients a time spent looking at performances. We do offer our clients a discretionary service whereby we will offer the opportunity to discuss performances and possibly make minor alterations (which do not impact your budget spend) this service can be withdrawn, without justification at any stage. We are not expected to provide any form of inclusive meetings, calls or communications regarding these services – We hold the right to withdraw any reporting service at any time. We hold the right to terminate any services provided at any time without prior notice. Our SMS agreements are contracted for minimum terms of 90 days and will require a 60-day notice to terminate or pause if requested. There is no cooling-off period within these agreements. We cannot pause services/campaigns, nor can we make guarantees on performances of any sort.
Enhanced Lead Generation
We may refer this service as ELG.
Our ELG service is a professional service provided by our business to yours, focusing on landing page SEO efforts targeting chosen keywords, covering specific location. Our solutions is designed to provide businesses an effective hassle-free solution to increase prominence for your businesses website rank through a multitude of SEO services packaged to help improve (i) website rank, (ii) lead generation and (iii) analytical reporting. We utilise varying SEO efforts, (potentially) with a small investment on Search Engines Paid Advertising platforms and/or mapping systems, targeting specific keywords in chosen key locations (chosen by us) in hope to build prominence for a client’s website within localised search results. This service may include a level of agreed reporting which could include VoIP call logging (provided via a third party) Keyword tracking services, internal analytical reporting, and other internal elements in hope to deliver a clearer picture of performance and lead sources.
Our service will used Search Engine Optimisation techniques potentially combined with paid advertising platforms (These include, but are not limited to Google Adwords, Google Display, Programmatic, Yahoo, BING & All Social Media Advertising mediums) in the hope to attract valuable prospective clients who may be interested in purchasing/ using your business services. We tailor each client’s service to focus on website visits (or hits) sales, downloads, calls, physical shop visits, contact forms or other mediums.
Within each month, if a client opts for reporting accesses & SERPS. We aim to deliver a range of discretionary reports to our clients such as keyword tracking, analytical reporting, call log volumes or other such performance metrics – These reports, whilst may be helpful aren’t guaranteed or form any part of this or any other agreement we provide.
Our Enhanced Lead Generation Service is designed to potentially include Search Engines Pay Per Click systems (such as Google Adwords, Bing Paid Search and other Paid Prominence Platforms) in combination with our SEO, mapping and other rank or lead generation/ growth techniques which will potentially deliver our clients a short term enhanced prominence of their website in search results under specific keywords within specific locations during the time they use our service whilst our SEO efforts establish in search results. This service does not include creation of usable or transferable client accounts within the chosen services (such as Google Adwords, maps or link systems when our service ends, we will close this respective account and will not provide any specific data on its individual element performance, locales or keywords used within it. Any spend on such services (if any) for your business may vary throughout the month & service agreement depending on campaign success and internal factors which we do not disclose. Our charges in providing any service encompassing our ELG is an internally calculated cost which we do not disclose. Our use of Paid Advertising Platforms (if used) does not have a specified percentage amount or set charge and will start, stop, increase, decrease to suit our internal decision based on many factors which we do not disclose.
The monthly budget cost you pay us in this agreement does not relate to actual spends used for your services for advertising, but covers the whole cost to your business for this service provided by us, which includes our monthly professional services costs, service fees and costs associated in providing this service (such as qualified time spent, reporting or any other fees we have)
We reserve the right to change or adjust our investment costs and service costs in providing this service to clients without providing notice to clients, regardless of time in agreement.
We do not hold monies on Trust for clients to our providers (such as Google) as you are paying us for a service provided, not our suppliers. We are not expected to provide any internal breakdowns of costings other than the overall agreed, signed contract value accepted for our services. This service provided will not be actively managed, which means we are under no obligation to provide regular, set assessments, alterations or provide a time spend looking at performances. We do offer our clients a discretionary service whereby we will offer the opportunity to discuss performances and possibly make minor alterations (which do not impact your budget spend) Please note that this service can be withdrawn, without justification at any stage. We are not expected to provide any form of inclusive meetings, calls or communications regarding these services or commit to ongoing reporting of any kind – We hold the right to withdraw any reporting service at any time. We hold the right to terminate any services provided at any time without prior notice. Our ELG agreements are contracted for minimum terms of 180 days and will require a 90-day notice to terminate providing a client is not bound by a contracted term already. service.Should a client wish to exit this services, we will remove our works & efforts, reverting clients back to the position before we engaged in such service. There is no cooling-off period within these agreements. We cannot pause ELG services nor can we make guarantees on performances of any sort.
Our agreements for using Our Services.
Set contract term – This means that we have agreed on a set cost to you for the use of our professional services. You are bound to the term agreed when beginning this service, typically this is a year (individual agreements may carry varied commitments). If you wish to change or cancel these agreements you may be bound to the full initially agreed term & cost.
Acceptance point 2
Monthly fee rolling 60 days – This service is to continue on after your initial contract term has ended. Our clients must provide 60 days written notice prior to the anniversary of the monthly renewal to end this agreement. If this lands in between monthly renewals – You will be due to the remaining month’s balance and 60 days from renewal.
Acceptance point 3. Our systems link your advertising to our internal accounts which we do not provide any access to third parties. To help our customers understand successes and analytical reporting, we provide a service whereby we link these accounts to our chosen Analytical Reporting System via (where relevant) which provides your advertising services raw data to be transferred into a digestible report for all services held highlighting points as needed. This report will help illustrate exact basic data as you would expect to see using the platform access directly minus some elements which we use for internal calculations.
Acceptance Point 4
Alterations – All agreements signed will be superseded by the later signed versions along with their respective terms in addition to our generalised service terms noted here.
Acceptance Point 5 – Service Clarity.
Our Search Market Service is not the same as you using third-party platforms PPC services (such as Google Adwords) directly but our professional services design to utilise their platforms in our specified way along with our expertise. Your cost is for the whole service provided, not individualised CPC or investment total vs return. Should you wish to have this type of service, our SMS is not right for you.
Please note, by using our Services, you accept all these terms.
SEO Plans & Search Ranking
Our SEO services work off a longer agreement, this is due to the complexities of the tasks undertaken.
Our SEO agreements work off either 180 day or full-year renewals. Once agreed and work has begun, the client is bound to the full agreed term. If they wish to terminate earlier than the agreed term, the client will be liable to clear the full balance owed to the anniversary of this agreement * and by providing 90 days notice to terminate.
Clients Analytics
Our systems link your advertising reporting platforms to our managed control account. We do not provide customer or third party any access to this, regardless of the ownership and website it is linked to. To help our customers understand successes and complex analytical reporting, we provide a service whereby we link these accounts to our Analytical Reporting System via (where relevant) seranking, whatagraph, serps, reverse proxy) which provides all advertising services raw data to be transferred into a digestible report for all services held highlighting points as needed. This report in unaltered in any way and will show the exact basic data as you would expect to see using the platform access directly.
If a customer wished to allow third party access to their analytical reports, we can offer them to be sent your reports. However, under no circumstances do we allow third parties or customers access or any management control to Google Webmasters, Analytics, Google Ads account or similar products, whilst we manage these. This decision has been made to protect ours and our customer’s data. If you do not wish to have this access removed and allow our team to take control. Please note we will not be able to provide any marketing services. Once our services are live, we cannot switch access levels to allow others control.
Please note, by using our services, you accept these terms.
R88 Media Solutions Limited website creations process (current 2019 onwards process)
R88 Media Solutions Limited will create a version of your website which fits the instructions provided for aesthetics and general content.
R88 Media Solutions Limited is not responsible for any your website’s content, nor are we liable if the information, spelling or grammar provided is incorrect. We will always inform our customers to check their own website content as soon as it is set ‘live’. It is always the customer’s responsibility to check prices, grammar spelling, links, contact forms, images and everything in between to ensure your business is correctly illustrated online.
R88 Media Solutions Limited will email our customer/ merchants a copy or ‘proof’ of this website to read, change and correct any errors. Whilst we will endeavour to provide accurate and correct information and literature, we ask our customers/merchants to check this is sufficient to set the website ‘live’. If this correspondence is not replied to, we take an assumptive position that our merchant is happy to proceed in setting this product live. Our sales staff will also contact merchants via phone/ face to face to go through this product after its launch.
R88 Media Solutions Limited’s customers are responsible for all information, imagery and content unless we formally agree to provide this in writing. If errors are found /changes are required, we request our merchants to inform us prior to the launch of any new website. If these issues arise after we launch the new website, we will, of course, change it fee-free, but will not be held liable for any issues pertaining to the incorrect information that may be incorrect. We are also not responsible for any information otherwise within any of your adverting and or services held or managed by us.
Overall Acceptances
All website services created by or with us, using our licensed softwares are our property & a client is paying to access, style and advertise this throughout their time with our business. There are no rights to ownership other than the exact supplied text and images provided to us.
Our hosting service is a basic server side database hosting which may include the use of SSL’s backups and other software systems to enhance user experiences when browsing. We may initially include these elements for clients we highlight that we are not bound to offer them either inclusively or at additional costs. Our hosting does not include any level of design, content or any level of updates once a website is initially launched, should you require updates we may offer these via our support agreements or by charging time spent. We can not offer guarantees of returns on investment or advertising and do not offer any refunds against advertising campaigns or any advertising created by or managed through us. R88 Media Solutions Limited we will do our best to help our client’s, however, we do not compensate for any loss of earnings whatsoever, regardless of circumstances, faulty parties.
Our agreements are business to business, which means we do not offer cooling-off periods. Once our team beings work on your service, you will be bound to the full contracted term.
We reserve the right to terminate your agreement with us if (i) you do not pay your bill within the timescales agreed in your contract/ agreement or you cancel your payment plan without advance notice. Standard payment terms are 14 business days from signup (in full unless you are placed on a payment plan) (ii) if you do not supply the necessary content for our business to proceed (such as photographs or copy for website content, as required) you/ your business will still be liable for the total agreed & contracted sum regardless of supplied information or project progression from you. Once our team beings work on your service, you will be bound to the full term, even if this falls within the 14 days.
Website Ownership
R88 Media Solutions Limited hold complete and full ownership of and/ all website products & services we design & manage. We do not provide the website design, software and images we supplied/ used should a customer wish to cancel services. These elements will remain our property and will be removed before any supply of content is provided. Should we agree to provide a client with any of this data, it will be granted solely at our discretion & may be withdrawn without notice.
All provided content by our customers produced as a result of our services will become their property once sums are settled. Clients’ property is limited to the supplied content (textorial) & images supplied only. All softwares, licensed softwares, (including themes) database files, page layouts and any third-party softwares will remain in our possession at all times. Should clients terminate our services, we will (discretionally) provide a flat PDF copy of content and images (if client supplied) in our standard of the main site pages (such as home, about, services) format only.
By using our services you agree to sign over your business domain name to R88 Media Solutions Limited.
Our Agreement Termination Rights – We reserve the right to terminate any client’s agreements at any point – This can be for any number of reasons that we may choose (examples; abuse to our team, non-payment, undertaking in illegal activities or other reasons) If we choose to end an agreement you may find you are still liable for any due sums for work completed. If an agreement is paid for over Direct Debit instalments, you will still need to clear balances in full as part of your contractual terms, You will only be liable to pay for received services (such as a website order designed for but paid for on monthly instalments) If we need to exercise this right, we will not expect you to provide notice on hosting. We will provide you with written /email notice if this action has been chosen.
*Order Queues
Please note that placing an order with us but delaying progress through lack of communication or otherwise may result in a delay to progress when you so choose to pick up the ordered service. We plan careful time frames for projects and if these are overrun through factors outside our control, you may find your service order is then queued in service past existing live orders, regardless of payment or signup. You will still be bound to our agreement terms stated in our terms and conditions policy.
Service Agreement Alterations
From time to time, we may alter the names, inclusions, terms of any services provided, regardless of time in contract/ agreement. This may also Include moving your service onto a different one offered by us (example moving an SEO onto a ELG) this may occur when we adjust service areas, costs, keywords or destinations. it is important you understand and agree to this before proceeding with any of our service.
(Acceptances reduced)
We retain Copyright of all materials used in all projects.
We can withdraw all services permanently without notice should we feel it appropriate to protect our business. This may come with no notice period.
Once works have begun, we do not offer refunds of deposits and services.
Our service inclusions and products may change during your agreements & time with us
We do not compensate for any loss of earning in anyway, regardless of the situation or responsibility.
Our standard notice period is 90 days for cancellations of services outside of their initial contractual agreements.
Whilst we will always do our best, we cannot guarantee any successful results of any services provided.
We do not provide any breakdown costs of our packages and services (such as website design packages, SMS, EGL, SEO )
Project production Line: All services provided are given a set timeframe form start to finish. Clients response time delays will result in your project being delayed. As each website/media service is individual for our client’s needs – If a project is held up through client delays, we will need a clear 14 working days to notice before recommencing the project. At our busier times of the year, this could extend to 21 working days.
Failure to complete payment on agreed dates or removal of payment methods without advance written notice (minimum 15 days) will be treated as a breach of your contract and will result in a suspension of service and additional administration charges.
These terms and conditions can be amended at any time, without prior notice. Progressing with our services in anyway means you accept these terms in their entirety.
Disclosure for legal reasons
Please be aware that in certain circumstances, it is possible that personal information may be subject to disclosure pursuant to judicial or other government subpoenas, warrants, or orders.
Changes to This Policy
We may amend this policy from time to time. If we make substantial changes to the way we handle personally identifiable information associated with this site, we will post an announcement on this website.
Governing Law
This privacy policy is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. You agree to submit any dispute arising out of your use of this Website to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.
Data Protection
R88 Media Solutions Limited acknowledges the duty of responsibility this places upon us and our privacy policy is designed to provide you with the reassurances you require to be entirely satisfied that we will conduct the use and storage of your personal information in an entirely fit and proper manner. R88 Media Solutions Limited abides by the notification requirements of the UK’s Data Protection Act 1998.
Notification under the Data Protection Act 1998 is now a statutory requirement and replaces the previous requirement for registration under the Data Protection Act 1984.
The Data Protection Act 1998 places obligations on data controllers in order to satisfy this principle
Access to View, Edit & Delete Personal Information
You may request to view, edit or delete any personally identifiable information that R88 Media Solutions Limited holds on you.
If you wish to have your information deleted then we will remove any personally identifiable tags from your information and we may archive it for statistical use.
Upon receipt of your written request, we will disclose to you the Personal Data we hold about you or a description of that data.
Requests to delete Personal Data are subject to any applicable legal and ethical reporting or other obligations imposed on R88 Media Solutions.
Information Sharing
R88 Media Solutions Limited will not sell, pass or rent personally identifiable information to third parties.
We will only share personally identifiable information with third party companies that work on behalf or in conjunction with R88 Media Solutions, to provide a service which you have requested.
R88 Media Solutions Limited will not supply your personal data to a third party for commercial exploitation such as direct marketing, email or text message spamming.
Questions or Comments
If you have any further questions, or would like to comment on this privacy policy, or any aspect of the R88 Media Solutions Limited website, please send an email to support@r88media.com
Office 1 R88 Media,
28 Eign Gate,
0800 033 7980
Last Formally Updated December 2018, ELG terms adjusted December 2021
Company Number 09413366